Privacy Statement of City Upgrade Group BV

Through its app HUT will process privacy-sensitive or personal data. City Upgrade Group BV values the privacy of its customers and observes due care in processing and protecting personal data.

During the processing we stick to the requirements of the applicable data protection legislation. This means we:

  • clearly specify our purposes before we process personal data, by using this Privacy Statement;
  • limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data needed for legitimate purposes;
  • first ask for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required;
  • take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and we demand the same from parties who process personal data on our behalf;
  • respect your right to inspect, correct or delete your personal data held by us.

City Upgrade Group BV is the party responsible for all data processing. In this privacy statement, we will explain which personal data we collect and for which purposes. We recommend that you read it carefully.

This privacy statement was last amended on 01-08-2017.

Use of Personal Data
By using our service, you are providing certain data to us. This could be personal data. We only retain and use the personal data provided directly by you or for which it is clear that it has been supplied to us to be processed.

We use the following data for the purposses as mentioned in this Privacy Statement:

  • Name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Billing address
  • Email address
  • Payment details
  • Gender
  • Picture
  • Date of birth

Certain features of our service require you to register beforehand. After your registration we will retain your user name and the personal data you provided. We will retain this data so that you do not have to re-enter it every time you visit our website, to contact you in connection with the execution of the agreement, invoicing and payment, and to provide an overview of the products and services you have purchased from us.
We will not provide the data linked to your user name to third parties, unless it is necessary for the execution of the agreement you concluded with us or if this is required by law. In the event of suspicion of fraud or misuse of our website we may hand over personal data to the entitled authorities.

Access to portal
Within our portal, you can access a management environment where you can set, specify and change settings.
Handling your order
We will use your personal data when handling your order. If necessary for proper handling, we can provide your data to third parties. We will explain this in detail later.

Via HUT you can take out a paid subscription.

Contact Form and Newsletter
We have a newsletter to inform those interested of our products and/or services. Each newsletter contains a link with which to unsubscribe from our newsletter. Your email address will be added to the list of subscribers automatically
If you fill out a contact form on the website or send us an email, the data you provide will be retained for as long as is necessary depending on the nature of the form or the content of your email, to fully answer and correctly handle your message or email.

App store
The app providing the service has been downloaded via a third-party app store. We have no influence on which personal data the provider will process or to what purpose it will be processed. We recommend that you read the applicable privacy statement of the provider in question.

When using our service, the following data is published so as to be visible to everyone on the Internet with the exception of search engines:

  • your name and address
  • your telephone number
  • your email address
  • your gender
  • your date of birth
  • your profile photo
  • information provided by yourself

This publication will however not be available through search engines. The published information is anonymous: in principle, you will be impossible to trace.

Providing Data to Third Parties
Your data are expressly not provided to third parties. These partners may be based outside the EU.

We did not accept the data processing agreement from Google. We do allow Google to use information obtained by Analytics for other Google services, and we don’t anonymize the IP-adresses.

We take security measures to reduce misuse of and unauthorised access to personal data. We take the following measures in particular:

  • Access to personal data requires the use of a user name and password
  • Access to personal data requires the use of a user name and login token
  • After receipt, the data will be stored in a separate system
  • We take physical measures to protect access to the systems in which the personal data is stored
  • We make use of secure connections (Secure Sockets Layer of SSL) to encrypt all information between you and our website when entering your personal data

We do keep statistics on our website, giving us access to individual data. However, we only access individual data insofar as necessary for the purposes set out in this statement.
Third-party Websites
This statement is not applicable to third-party websites connected to this website through links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a secure and careful manner. We recommend you read these websites’ privacy statements before making use of these websites.

Changes to this Privacy Statement
We reserve the right to modify this statement. We recommend that you review this statement regularly, so that you remain informed of any changes.

Inspection and Modification of your Data
You can always contact us if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or wish to review, modify or delete your personal data.

Contact information
HUT Amsterdam
Schimmelstraat 38H
1053 TH Amsterdam